About Us
All Started with a couple, Rosaura from Peru, and her husband Armin from Germany, and their love for good and delicious food and their passion for gardening.
Living in the USA for almost 25 years, Rosaura was missing the distinguished unique flavor of the food she grow up with in the Amazons of Peru by Pucallpa and Iquitos.
Many of the spices and peppers grown in the jungle could not be found outside of Peru, and so Rosaura tried to grow them in the US.
After may trials and failures she was finally after about 5 years successful in growing her favorite pepper the Aji Charapita, the "Mother of all Chile".
Starting with one little plant, the small family farm has now grown over 400 plants producing plants, 200 second generation plants and about 1000 settling.
Every step of growing, harvesting and processing needs to be done by hand and is very delicate, time consuming and labor intense.
That is the main reason that the pepper is not cultivated commercially. Our farm is one of very view in the world who are able to produce Aji Charapita commercially.
This, and being highly desired by gourmets and chefs worldwide, the Aji Charapita is called the most expensive pepper in the world. Chefs pay up to $ 25,000 for one Kilo dried Charapita Pepper! But dont get too excited, you need about 60-70,000 pepper for 1000gr.
After successfully growing the Aji Charapita, our farm has now started to grow other highly regarded pepper, Aji Limo, usually not offered fresh in the US, and other typical Peruvian vegetables and plants.
Join us, and enjoy the tropical distinguished flavors and fire hot peppers of Charapita Farms products.
Charapita Farms LLC
(305) 382 8100