The Amazon rainforest is a vast and alluring place and covers approximately 2.72 million square miles of Trees, Brush, Tropical plants as our #AjiCharapitas. Besides Jaguars, infected mosquitoes, large crocodiles, there are venomous snakes.
1. Bushmaster L. Muta, Stenophrys, Melanocephala
The bushmaster snakes are reddish-brown or pinkish-grey animal that is the longest venomous snake in the Americas and can grow to be up to 10 feet long. Theses pit vipers are very venomous.
2. Eyelash Viper
This sneaky snake can actually be your worst enemy. It is one of the smallest venomous snakes in Central America, and it is only typically about 15 to 20 inches long. Do not be deceived, however: it is also one of the most poisonous snakes about. The eyelash viper can be a vibrant yellow color, but is more often found in gray or rust mottling. It lives in trees and palms, and gets its name from the scales that protrude above its eyes, appearing as eye lashes.
3. Amazon Coral Snake
Coral snakes are extremely toxic, and are said to have one of the strongest venoms of any snake on Earth. These snakes are relatively easy to identify by their brightly colored patterned bodies that are often red, black and yellow.
4. Aquatic Coral Snake
This snake is found in northern South America, and it prefers feeding on fish. It shares its coloring with Amazonian coral snake, but spends the bulk of its time in the water, and is also venomous.
5. Mussurana
The mussurana is lue-black, or brown color with a white stripe on its belly. Interestingly, this snake can kill creatures using both venom and constriction and can grow up to seven feet.
6.Pit Viper
This is a larger group of venomous snakes, consisting of many different species. Vipers eat small animals by striking them with their venomous fangs. The viper family includes rattlesnakes, fer-de-lances, copperheads and water moccasins.